Sunday, October 23, 2011

I love FOG... Well, kinda!

     I had heard that the UAE would get very foggy from time to time. Well, last week I got to experience VERY foggy mornings Sunday-Thursday. It was so foggy that on my way to work I could barely see the cars in front of us and therefore my friend had to drive very slowly. Many cars even pulled over to wait for the fog to clear up. Driving here is scary! People drive extremely fast and tailgate others in order to make them move out of the way. Let me say that even with the fog every once in a while a crazy driver would pass us by going way too fast. The fog even "caused" a 35-car pile-up in Dubai. In all honesty I can't believe that it was only a 35-car pile-up with all the crazy drivers here in the UAE.
       Well the reasons why I love foggy mornings are because most students dodn't arrive to school until 8:30-9. This past week, by the time most arrived it was time for breakfast therefore teaching didn't begin until 9:45. Now, don't forget that classes end at 12:30 making my day very very short :). To make things even better we are "allowed" to arrive late 9-9:30. "Allowed" because on the day that I did arrive late, according to my Head of Faculty, the vice principal wasn't so happy about it. I wasn't to surprised to hear that even though all week many Arabic teachers arrived late (just one of the inequalities LT's face).
     So yeah, a foggy day has it's benefits, that I love, but it also includes a nerve wrecking drive to work.

Poor visibility on the road due to the fog. 

        I'll try to post more pictures later. My internet is too slow :(.

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