Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Break is Here!!

       Three weeks off of work start today! Soo excited in a few hours I'll be on my way to New Delhi, India :D. I feel so blessed to be able to travel to a new country and that I get to take my mom with me. Lucky me I got the approval from my principal to leave a day early since I made a big oops and booked my, very cheap, flights a day early. Yes, I accidentally booked them! I saw the price and I couldn't believe my eyes they were very inexpensive so I booked them without double checking dates and times.
       Before break we got together with a few friends and we are all very excited to travel some more. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's pictures and getting ideas for our two week break in the spring! Between my friends and I we will be visiting a total of 4 continents and 7 countries... WOW! I look forward to the new year but for now... INDIA HERE WE COME!!

I can't wait to see the Taj Mahal.

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